Azenith Works helps its clients to face their current state, and the challenges which are set before them. Whether the client or the world created these challenges are no matter, as they still need to be overcome. Here at Azenith Works, we don’t judge you on your history blocking your path, we help you move past it and beyond. Using the process outline below, we help clients to successfully knock down the walls, and build success.

One of the things that has to be faced is the PROCESS of waiting to change the system, how much we have got to do to find out WHO WE ARE, where we have COME FROM and where we are GOING.

~ Ella Baker

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Clear Challenges, Find Guidance, Set Goals

AW will sit with you and identify your interests, skills, values, and personality. Together we will look at your current state. And then we will assess what you want your future state to be. Once that is complete, we will take both states and compare them and find what will work and what won’t.
AW will help facilitate in the research and information on the major milestones in which you would need to meet to make it possible. With the information we will together we will identify milestones and goals to coordinate a successful journey to your proposed future state.


Find Your Strength, Learn and Grow, Expand Your Horizons

With your future state in your mind, and your initial goals set, together we will identify what skills you have and what skills you need to possess. Self-assessments will be completed, and your strengths and weaknesses identified. Training or education courses will be essential in skill building whether it be college degrees, technical or professional certifications. An analysis will be taken on what educational path will bring you the skills you require, with reputation and cost feasibility.


Market Yourself, Find Your Career, Be Successful

Once you are organized and begin educating yourself, you will simultaneously be working on your career future state. Setting up yourself to be ready when the time comes to take off. This means taking your history and your identified strengths and aligning them in a fashion which makes you appealing to employers or potential clients and customers. AW will hold your hand in building a presence for yourself online and on paper. We will work together to look at your current state, whether it be employed or unemployed, and identifying where advancement lies.



There’s nothing like making money and then putting in in YOUR pocket. During the entire process, AW will work with you to seek a balance in your financial stability. We will work together to outline your debts and your goals. We will make sure that you are in a balance state to successfully meet your milestones from your educational, organizational and career movements. Along the way we will prioritize, budget and create a positive outlook for you to be able to take charge of your money.


Don’t just seek to survive, Seek to Prosper

While the process is truly a cycle, and live is perpetual, we as human only seek to survive. AW helps to ensure your survival, but also to heighten the quality of your survival. Once you complete the process, you will be at a balance which will allow you to be flexible to open doors for potential opportunities you may have been blocked from in the past, such as promotions, starting businesses, funding a child’s education, buying a home and more. Making it easier to see and grasp success.